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The synonym for olive oil from Austria.

Olive tree sale | Olive oil production | Events & Workshops | Pizza food truck | Agriculture

The olive pioneers from Burgenland.

Pannolio not only stands for hardy olive trees from Burgenland and Austria's first olive oil, but also for definitely one of the best pizzas in our latitudes. Immerse yourself in the world of olives and learn why we have made it our mission to banish ignorance about the olive from people's minds once and for all.

News & Blog

It's pioneering work, but we still share all our knowledge.

Die Olivenmotte (Palpita unionalis)

Die Olivenmotte (Palpita unionalis)

Bereits 2002 wurde die Olivenmotte, ein ursprünglich im Mittelmeerraum beheimateter Schädling, erstmals in Niederösterreich gesichtet. Dieser Schmetterling kann durch günstige Windverhältnisse mehrere hundert Kilometer zurücklegen und hat es so wahrscheinlich...

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Sortenbestimmung beim Olivenbaum

Sortenbestimmung beim Olivenbaum

Oft erreichen uns Nachrichten und Fotos von Olivenbäumen, welche ohne konkreter Sortenangabe gekauft wurden, oder geschenkt wurden, mit der Bitte, die Sorte zu nennen.  Leider ist die Bestimmung der Sorte...

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Being successful means being able to adapt.

Become part of our cooperative

and produce your own olive oil

Some are trying to fight climate change – we are going with it. For several years now, and this will not change in the future, the climate in the Austrian lowlands has been perfect for the olive tree - even Tuscany and large parts of Spain are sometimes too dry for it today.

Through our olive oil cooperative, we ensure the quality and the value chain of Austrian olive oil from the producer to the consumer. Fair - regional - sustainable.

Arrange your personal consultation now and become a Pannolio farmer.

Give experiences

Ideal for connoisseurs who already have everything.

Give your loved ones a gift and give them an unforgettable day in one of our olive groves with our olive experience or our pizza workshop.